Ecological Psychology Definition and Introduction

Define what is Ecological Psychology? Ecological psychology was found by J.J. Gibson, who highly developed the theory of direct perception.  The ecological psychology is also known as the environmental psychology or eco psychology. Eco psychologists consider that the damage humans do to themselves and to environment stems… Read More

Clinical Psychology Definition and Introduction

Defination of Clinical Psychology: The branch of psychology which specializes in assessing, diagnosing, treating and preventing mental disorders in human is known as Clinical Psychology. It studies the emotional and behavioral disorders among the young and adults. The individuals dealing with this subject are clinical… Read More

Love Psychology

Love is Omnipresent, Love is Everlasting! Love is immortal. Let’s talk about Psychology of Love. History has witnessed various chapters of love and intellectuals have defined love in every possible way. Some say love is an expression which is quite evident from certain forms of… Read More